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what is this garbage

ReverseHaremJutsu July 1, 2024 5:53 pm

the plot should have just stayed a joke, after all the 3 owens drugging nux and annoying shit they did and all of that just for owen to leave without properly explaining anything to nux and now we getting a custody battle??? I actually never wanna see the owens again, if nux wants his daughter he should just get custody and get owen to admit to court he coerced nux in their relationship so owen learns some fucking sense. seeing him cry and then repeat his actions isn't character growth. also owen using his power over nux at the beginning of this whole scam was gross like go do this to some other rich bastard and leave student's on scholarships outta your mess, I get so fed up when MLs fuck with MCs when they in debt or at their lowest point

    Sonnybie July 1, 2024 6:56 pm

    Fr. I was so excited that in next season it will be few more Owens coming to Nux & having a relationship with him , hoping atleast the priest one was gonna be a good alien to Nux but now it's all messed up

    cruelaz July 1, 2024 9:17 pm

    yeah the relationship was toxic from the beginning he is a superior space being with unlimited wealth said hed been locking for nux for a while. also contiuesly hid information from him, pregnancy, stuff about how his biology works. manipulated everything around nux so hes depending on him then proceeds to fuck off and stab him in the back again.
    i really wish they werent endgame hes just as toxic trash as the other tops out there. violence drugs manipulation sucks