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Hes not wrong

Qxeen_zxy July 1, 2024 2:16 pm

How are you gonna show you’re innocent but you won’t tell who it was? Also, he was so right with the gay comment. You’re gonna say that you can’t trust a gay to be discreet about another gay? Knowing that gay A has also gone through the woes of being gay and closeted?? Absolute nonsense. For the sake of your relationship with your partner, you simply say “you aren’t supposed to know this but it’s xx person. I’m only telling you so that we can clear up our misunderstanding but they aren’t out babe so you need to act like you don’t know.” and then you can carry on with the rest of your convo but to act like a queer person cannot be confidential about another queer person is rubbish. I admire him for being confidential but I don’t for him allowing a misunderstanding to continue when there’s a very simple solution.

    GaymerFujo July 1, 2024 3:21 pm

    i think not only is the other guy not wanting to reveal he slept with a man but it's also his choice not to have it revealed to anyone, gay or not. i mean, if you slept with someone and you told a friend about it and then this friend tattled it to someone without your permission/knowledge, you would feel upset right? especially if that person is someone you don't know much but only familiar with.

    i kind of understand where the top is coming from because it's his friend's privacy, if he asked not to tell anyone as in ANYONE then he shouldn't tattle on it to someone else even if it's their lover since from their situation, the bottom is only familiar with the other guy cause he works there but they're not like friends or anything at all so knowing who he slept with is kinda? i mean he got reassured already that it was someone else from the same department. "out of all people you chose to link me with, you chose him?" isn't that enough proof that the top actually never expected it to be THAT GUY out of all people which says alot because his face looked a little distraught.

    for the bottom's side, i understand that he has trust issues and it's really hard to recover from a past trauma regarding cheating but he's getting angry even though he already explained. telling someone someone's secret isn't that easy if you're actually a good friend yk? he was already assured that it was someone else but he still got mad that he wasnt being told about the other guy's affair...? "I promised not to tell anyone." that one line is enough to understand where the other guy is coming from. how can he recover from his other relationship if he still clings to that experience instead of trying to trust someone for real like you're spoiled rotten by your lover. and that's such a wild assumption just because he got a "nice ass" like anyone can have a nice ass. he brought it up on himself, the top reassured him more than enough yet he lets his past get to him. instead of calmly approaching it, he decided to be aggressive which is already a red flag (trauma reaction or not).

    though I'm not siding with anyone, I'm just saying what i observed this chapter being accused of cheating because you're in the same department and you have a nice ass is kinda... low ig? and the socks too like anyone can do that even if you don't know them.

    Mitsu chan July 1, 2024 5:54 pm
    i think not only is the other guy not wanting to reveal he slept with a man but it's also his choice not to have it revealed to anyone, gay or not. i mean, if you slept with someone and you told a friend about ... GaymerFujo

    u have a point gurl but sht uke's assumption of him is still valid Seme said he was with the redguy that night right?then when he heard the the redflag sleep with someone in their team plus with all shts ofcourse u would suspect ur lover who he was with that night (even i suspected him being with that guy before i read the spoiler) but then this sht get even more sht when he choose to not tell the uke When i know that he shouldn't reveal it to anyone BUT BRO THIS IS THE RISK OF THEM BEING BREAKING UP BUT HE CHOOSE TO STAY STILL SILENT (YEA HE SAID HE WOULD CALL THE REDHAIRED GUY BUT WHO WOULD BELIEVE TO SOMEONE THEY SUSPECTING TO HAVE A THING WITH THEIR BF?NO ONE WOULD)AND THAT'S WHAT PISSED ME OFF

    Qxeen_zxy July 1, 2024 7:25 pm
    u have a point gurl but sht uke's assumption of him is still valid Seme said he was with the redguy that night right?then when he heard the the redflag sleep with someone in their team plus with all shts ofcour... Mitsu chan

    This is my point. It’s admirable to keep a friends secret but at this point you are choosing to not trust your partner to be confidencial AND you are wrecking the trust in your relationship. How can you expect someone to trust you if you don’t trust them? Everything looks shady and instead of just spilling the beans and saying “babe I really am not meant to tell you so please don’t tell anyone. I’m only saying this so that we can clear our own personal misunderstanding”, he decides to basically place his work friend over his lover who he knows was cheated on before. I’ve been cheated on before and although I had therapy and now I don’t have any insecurity (to the point that anything goes as long as there’s no lies told to me), I would STILL be suspicious in this situation. Anyone and their great grandma would be suspicious of this situation. The bottom just wants the truth. He doesn’t even care if he did cheat, he just wanted honesty and the top couldn’t even provide that much. On top of all of that, THE BOTTOM IS GAY AND CLOSETED SO OFC HES GONNA KEEP ANOTHER CLOSETED GAYS SECRET!! In literally any other circumstance, keeping your friends secret would be the correct decision but in this case, it’s the worse one.

    Mitsu chan July 1, 2024 7:30 pm
    This is my point. It’s admirable to keep a friends secret but at this point you are choosing to not trust your partner to be confidencial AND you are wrecking the trust in your relationship. How can you expec... Qxeen_zxy

    fr fr bro could just apologize to the red-haired dude later like "bro sorry my lover is suspecting us of having this thing so i have just tell him" but bro he keep it and making things even worse and others has the audacity to say uke is so annoying in this like what???

    Qxeen_zxy July 1, 2024 8:32 pm
    fr fr bro could just apologize to the red-haired dude later like "bro sorry my lover is suspecting us of having this thing so i have just tell him" but bro he keep it and making things even worse and others has... Mitsu chan

    Tbh he could just NOT tell the red haired guy that the bf knows. Then there’s nothing wrong and no one is any the wiser. His friend doesn’t know that someone else knows and his relationship with his bf is strengthened.

    Mitsu chan July 2, 2024 3:14 am
    Tbh he could just NOT tell the red haired guy that the bf knows. Then there’s nothing wrong and no one is any the wiser. His friend doesn’t know that someone else knows and his relationship with his bf is s... Qxeen_zxy

    yea like bro talked bout trust then proceed not to trust uke which is being hypocrite