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Does this thing happen often with gamer girls? I've seen this case once irl & now I'm ...

Sonnybie July 1, 2024 2:13 pm

Does this thing happen often with gamer girls? I've seen this case once irl & now I'm doubting that it happens often... Gamer girls do take revenge by inciting their followers to bully their ex's mods or followers to make them leave their ex's channels. That is some lame thing to do when you get rejected... Exposing their ex is gay or cheater & the followers attacking them for it. It ruins the ex's life cause the country c is very strict with homosexuality bans & it's not nice. I hope she got some karma back to her & soon yoona should get it too

    July 1, 2024 2:18 pm

    Not common irl for gamer girls to do it, just the few that have big streaming platforms usually are the weird ones that get popular. I agree tho it's messed up!

    YumeLinche July 1, 2024 3:25 pm

    Yeah, like 쥐 said it’s not that common and many gamer girls actually fake being men to not get harassed when playing games. The weird ones are just a loud minority that do this messed up stuff.