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...i used to think John was a gentleman, now we see his true colors, truly a "nice guy". T...

IWalkedWithYouOnceUponADream July 1, 2024 11:15 am

...i used to think John was a gentleman, now we see his true colors, truly a "nice guy".
Tsk. Acting like a friend, undermining the one she's in a relationship with while putting in a good word for himself, whispering to her like a devil just because you disagree wjth somebody and cause she was vulnerable enough to share her worries with you, using her vulnerability against her to leverage yourself while instilling a sense of fear, doubt and paranoia against her fiancé even though there's no proof but who cares as long as she leaves him and gets with you, right? Even if it ruins someone's life, sigh, tired of these specimens seriously.

    Yuki-chi July 1, 2024 9:31 pm

    I mean they are kinda having the idea her fiance is a serial killer. Like sorry but if I thought my friend was dating a serial killer and my friend kinda has had that thought too I would very well implore em to think about their every action deeply

    JulyInAugust July 1, 2024 10:37 pm

    Uh no ? She is the one claiming her fiancé is probably a serial killer and yet keep excluding him from suspicion because she is slowly falling in love. He is just reminding her of how suspicious he is even according to herself.
    His feelings for her have nothing to do with it as she convinced him he may be a killer.