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Ayo someone help me out

canonMT July 1, 2024 4:25 am

Ok so I read the whole thing. I know Heeso is probably bipolar and is a sociopath or something, but I'm really having trouble understanding WHY he's so obsessed with raping and confining the poor man.

I'm more confused than upset about it tbh. I just don't see a reason why he does that?? I feel like I missed something? Why didn't he just try to romance the guy or something? Why go straight to rape every single time?? What's the reason? And why is the uke always thinking Heeso hates him? Even though he saved Heeso? What is this drama, and where did it come from? Am I..... stupid? ☠

I just don't get ittt, did I miss some info or something

    GalezOasis July 1, 2024 5:33 am

    Heeso has always been obsessed, he was a kid for the first season so he still saw Taekyung as a parental role and needed someone to rely on but in a twisted way where Heeso also fell in love wanted to rely on Taekyung while letting Taekyung rely on him. Why he's doing this now could be for a few different reasons but all in all. He is just, obsessed

    canonMT July 1, 2024 6:07 am

    Okay, but why is he so obsessed with the uke specifically? It'd make more sense if he fell in love with the girl that tried to help him in the beginning.

    Also, why is uke trying so hard to keep secrets from the Heeso? Why couldn't he just said "I knew your mother, she was a good person. She's the reason I saved you that time and she's also the reason I'm going to take care of you for now. You can chill" or something like that? Both characters continuously make decisions I can't rationalize, and I'm so confused

    Also, I don't get what the whole conflict about them lying to each other is about. At this point they're both extremely paranoid about the other lying to them, and I just can't help but feel like if they'd just been honest since the start this situation could've be easily avoided?

    Like idk, I feel like more than half the time they're lying about things that don't even need to be a lie, like why?? What for?? Who benefits from that??

    meowmura July 1, 2024 6:12 am

    Hes not bipolar, He's borderline. With that being said,, well its the yandere borderline trope unfortunately..

    Niku July 1, 2024 7:56 am

    He saw Taekyung kiss a man and since then he got lewd thoughts or wtv and he even had a wet dream of Taekyung but what escalated it was when Taekyung was saying heeseos name in his sleep and heeseo's delusional ass thought Taekyung was having a wet dream about him too so he thought his feelings were reciprocated and from then on he started being a rapist delusional bitch and now he's just a psycho who wants to isolate Taekyung