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I think?

Sushi July 1, 2024 2:35 am

Correct me if I'm wrong I'm just making a theory here.
The OG Lyla may have suicided. She caused her own magic explosion to end her life and had Helena as a witness so she could testify that she died?
From what I'm reading, the OG Lyla lost her only pillar of support, her mother. After her mother died, she was left alone at a young age, hearing everyone berate her, telling her that it's her fault her mother died, constantly getting target by the empress, and her father didn't even give a hoot about her even after saying he loves OG Sienna's Mother.

At such a young age, she couldn't take it anymore and took off the bracelet so she could just end it all. She probably didn't even know that her mother casted a spell on her and just wanted to die so that everything can just end for her. Her friend <green hair dragon> came too late to save her. Helena who is nelegacted and abused by the empress can't do anything to help beside visiting at night due to the grip the empress had on her.

So... I believe OG Lyla is dead. And that's just horrible and sad. ╥﹏╥

The female who was catch by the spell was dragged into OG Lyla's body to keep it alive??? I think???
So she's just the innocent victim in all of this beside the OG Lyla.

This is all just a theory.
