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HRAensn June 30, 2024 4:58 pm

Idk why a lot are crazy over Chan tbh. I do think he’s cute and ideal look for me, but I think he’s just as bad as Shin or a bit worse considering the fact he gang raped MC with the other dude in bed. Let’s also not forget the other dude hurt his leg or something to the point MC literally screamed, Chan just stood there. None of the MLs have redeeming factors.

Sure Shin gave him to others but not really at the same time, he gave MC a choice; to go to him only or the others and MC has his own pride, so he chose all.

At the same time it’s not really a choice. But then Chan and the others (except Tae-in and maybe Shin) gang raped him despite him saying no many times and literally screaming.

If I remember correctly, there was something said about him feeling more “comfortable” around Shin or actually no, I think his first CONSENSUAL sex with was Shin. This was in the novel. As usual, the manhwa will always cut off important details from novel.

If I had to choose ONE, it would be Shinjae.

