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Beautiful ending !!!

nenashina June 30, 2024 11:16 pm

I can't believe how we went from a silly and funny storyline to a very mature and realistic depiction of love. The author is truly an amazing storyteller. I feel like a just watch an underground-indie movie that was supposed to be just another 'romantic' movie but it turned out to be a gem. The only thing I have to say to people who didn't like the ending is that we were definitely lead on by the author so I get it. That being said, we got so much more out of this story so here are my two cents:

1. Secretary Xiao's behavior is unfair and cruel toward Mr. Mo but when you put it into perspective based on his last romantic experience you understand that this is a defense mechanism. He was in an abusive relationship, he was a victim and he prioritizes his well being above everything else and that's a good thing because he suffered tremendously to learn that lesson. That is not an excuse for hurting others but I feel like he was doing his best after such trauma and if people don't get how complex trauma can be then I guess they're lucky.

2. I'm just going to say it: Mr. Mo is a stalker just like Xiao's ex. That being said, this behavior comes from a very different place when talking about Mo. For Mo, it's out of interest, then attraction, then affection and then out of love. It is crucial to see how Mo's displayed of his feelings for Xiao progresses and how this changes our perspective on this type of stalker behavior as Mo character is developed throughout the story. Put it plainly, Mo wants to get to know Xiao but doesn't know how and this is complexified by the relationship they already have: boss - employee and then friends with benefits. Mo stalked Xiao to get to know him better and this triggered mistrust in Xiao. Xiao finds echoes of his ex's words and actions in Mo's even though deep down he recognizes than Mo is different than his ex (again trauma). Mo realizes that Xiao is building a wall between them. So Mo forces them to spend time outside of work and as he gets to know and interact with Xiao outside work, he falls in love with him but this doesn't solve Xiao's trauma but rather exacerbate it. And this is where Mo proves to be better than the ex: he learns to listen, he learns to give Xiao some room to breath but also to shows he is there if Xiao needs help, and he learns what it is to love Xiao on Xiao's terms and this is beautifully illustrated in the talk on the roof:

Mo: ... I can only learn about you through other people's words. (ch. 77)

This is so important because this explains Mo's stalker behavior but also that it coming from a genuine feeling of love and then Mo says just the right words to Xiao to put him at ease:

Ch. 79
Xiao: (talking about his ex) ...I loved him and he will always have a big spot inside my
Mo: Then that's exactly how I feel about you.
Xiao: I'm sorry
Mo: You don't have to apologize. IT WAS MY CHOICE. And I don't regret any of it.

Xiao's expression here is heartbreaking because he finally realizes than Mo tried to get to know him, that he felt in love with him even though they know so little about each other and - THE MOST IMPORTANT THING - that Mo understands where Xiao's actions are coming from and he is willing to let Xiao go, even if he loves him, because it's Xiao decision to be with him or not and he is not obligated to reciprocate Mo's feelings. Guys this shows how much Mo grew as an individual and how much he loves Xiao and how this is exactly what Xiao needs to begin to heal from his traumatic experience. If it's not clear Xiao needs space to heal. This is absolutely beautiful and such an expression of Mo's love toward Xiao.

If this is truly the end, it is beautiful and I love it even if they're don't end up together because they helped each other grow and heal and that's as precious as love. If we get side stories and they do end up together, I hope they start anew so they can move forward. I hope Mo gets to open his restaurant and I hope Xiao finds what he wants to do in his life for himself, I hope he finds peace and love and shares everything with his mom. I'll be happy anyway.

100000000 out of 5.
