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Sad and confused about the final battle

yuyitz June 30, 2024 3:59 pm

All those preparations, only for Kahil to be the key despite the research and work Enisha and the mages have been doing. For almost 200 chapters it wouldn't be a surprise to expect something big and grand... but what happened there? How did Kahil making the third vow to Enisha defeat Vartia? Did it lend her power?

Everyone from Archus and Hyperion is depicted as highly intelligent as well as Enisha, but why wasn't that solution mentioned once? Idk why... but it just annoyed me. I wanted the battle to be between Enisha and Vartia alone lol. Plus, for someone as powerful as him, he sure gave up easily.

Also, I feel like no villain in this story was done justice because they all fell too quickly like flies. Even Vartia, he was obsessed with the princess and even HE didn't was her to break herself just to defeat him lol. He was just a creep who really wanted her.

Every person who was shown to be a potential villain ended up loving Enisha (ex. Judith) ngl I was hoping she'd be one of those villainess who weasels her way into the imperial family acting all kind and caring for the princess only to stab her in the back in the final battle. But she didn't even appear? Really, what was her purpose in the story. I guess that's just the main character privileges.

    NightOwl26 July 2, 2024 1:52 am

    Completely agree. The final battle was so lackluster and anticlimactic that for a moment I even wondered IF there had been a battle or just a "debate" that ended in Avartia being defeated. Even then the debate wasn't a debate. Now at this point I'm just hoping the ending isn't rushed or if it is, I at least hope that it's well thought out and that the ending isn't so anticlimactic either