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Is it just me or did the art style change in 47+ ? I thought the art change over the story...

Bagel99 June 30, 2024 8:27 am

Is it just me or did the art style change in 47+ ? I thought the art change over the story was just natural art evolution over time, but in particular I feel like 47 and 48 look different, especially in some frames
Am I seeing things?

    mimiiri June 30, 2024 8:38 am

    it definitely did! I noticed it too

    TAEYONGBABYILY June 30, 2024 1:15 pm

    Man I thought art was changed long back?? Doesn't old zhenya and new one look diff?? Like in chp 12 and 47 he looks more bulky and more mature lol and taekjoo a bit too