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No way people were commenting jumping the 2nd wife

Bee June 30, 2024 2:51 am

This is story where EVERYONE is flawed. The second wife is literally the less flawed one out all of them. Why am I seeing so many comments attacking only her when her husband cheated on her? I’ve already explained my personal thoughts on their characters but few of y’all are missing the point of what the creator is trying to make.
Fmc feels unwanted in her marriage and is seeking some sort of validation from another person, her husband lied to her about ever wanting kids. Something that was so important to her that it shattered any hope of trying to save the failing marriage.
I’m not going to repeat myself on the second couple but I will add more. The second husband KNEW that 2nd wife was someone who was passionate about her work however he underestimated how much he could’ve handled not being able to see her from time to time. And I called it when I said she was going to accept the offer because if she hadn’t, she would’ve regretted and that would’ve lead to resentment towards her husband. She now acknowledges that she shouldn’t expect her partner to just suck it up and should find someone who can handle her. Someone who has the same values. I’m hoping the same applies to the now ex husband, to not “bite off more than he can chew”
