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I'm sorry but

lostikins June 30, 2024 2:15 am

I am immune to the scrawny kpop boys.

We love our short king, Taka in this house.

    lostikins June 30, 2024 2:18 am

    Like, Taka frequently holds/carries Hina with one arm when he's a solid couple inches shorter than the guy lol

    You ain't winning this, pretty boy.

    Room 707 July 1, 2024 6:47 pm
    Like, Taka frequently holds/carries Hina with one arm when he's a solid couple inches shorter than the guy lolYou ain't winning this, pretty boy. lostikins

    straight truth sfhjgfghh like sure he’s cute but could he blow someone’s back out literally without the ability to use one arm bc it’s in a cast??? not likely lololol