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i would rather the MC showed interest, when the boy was getting bullied...

estar June 30, 2024 12:20 am

they fact he left cause he suffered enough - doesn't solve the problem, as that will live with him for life. why wait for the student council to move to a new target?!? a bit disappointing IMO ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    teru June 30, 2024 1:51 am

    I thought it was realistic since not everyone has the gut to step in when there's someone being bullied

    Annanih June 30, 2024 3:09 am
    I thought it was realistic since not everyone has the gut to step in when there's someone being bullied teru

    But she is. She has the power. Her status as a noble is above the student council. Even the student council president trying to suck up to her with those flower and gifts. She can prevent or even destroy them if she wants. She just couldn't be bothered to do so. It's show by how she's not even try to help him picking up the stuff that fell to the floor and just watch them instead while thinking that "well, his suffer would end when he's already suffered enough to leave school. So why should i help him?"
    That's just crueler that directly bullying him.

    teru June 30, 2024 4:51 am
    But she is. She has the power. Her status as a noble is above the student council. Even the student council president trying to suck up to her with those flower and gifts. She can prevent or even destroy them i... Annanih

    Yeah that's what makes it even more realistic you can't really count on everyone to help a person who's getting bullied especially when that they have nothing to do with it. It's fucked up but that's how some ppl act. To be honest i kinda forgot about this manhwa already but seeing MC being like this is a change for most of the stereotypical protagonists I've read and I'm not really mad at her for acting like that since she'd eventually lead the student council president to her karma anyway, despite the reason being on a personal level. It wouldve been greater if she acted while the previous outcast was still there but you can't deny that her mindset did add dynamics to her character.

    Annanih June 30, 2024 5:57 am
    Yeah that's what makes it even more realistic you can't really count on everyone to help a person who's getting bullied especially when that they have nothing to do with it. It's fucked up but that's how some p... teru

    You think ignoring someone pain when you have the power to help is not something to be mad about???
    She only start helping when the blonde girl, who's supposedly the only person who is kind towards mc from the start, is getting harsher treatment. And what did she did before that? Just quitely watching the blonde girl suffer with her chin up. And she's her friend!
    Is this manga supposed to be a story with a cruel villain MC? No! It's about the mc who made a villain by the story despite never doing anything wrong. So why is it that she acts more villain like even than the student council president?
    What's realistic about that? That YOU would ignore someone who get bullied despite you have the power to help them?

    teru June 30, 2024 7:34 am
    You think ignoring someone pain when you have the power to help is not something to be mad about??? She only start helping when the blonde girl, who's supposedly the only person who is kind towards mc from the ... Annanih

    You should draw the line between fiction and reality. Of course I'd be angry at her IF she did that irl, but we're talking about a manhwa here. Do protagonists necessarily have to be good natured? It's funny that you think it's realistic for anyone of great status to use their power to do good, of course if I were in her place I'd help the bullied guy but that's how SHE thinks. You cant expect every person to be righteous, and I'm not validating her actions either. I'm just saying that it's REALISTIC that the protagonist isn't a saint like most of the manhwas I've read, I don't understand why you're diving so deep into this.

    estar June 30, 2024 8:08 am
    I thought it was realistic since not everyone has the gut to step in when there's someone being bullied teru

    might be realistic, BUT i expect more from the MC then her acting like an average normal human/character, especially when she got prior knowledge about what is happening & who is against whom. let alone the fact that the MC got special powers, that gives her a one-up over most character's.

    she could've chosen to do anything, then just passively wait until the boy gave up & went home. here that same guy that is isolated & abused had it in him, to stop another student that was trying to help. telling her to get away from him. cause if the council member's saw they would start targeting her. but it's asking too much of the MC who is stronger, not only character wise, but given the backing she's got?!? really???

    & about reality. even in real life if u don't have the guts to help, sometimes the only thing u can do is offer support to the bullied person. they will understand that u can't help. but at least they wont feel so isolated & alone. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    estar June 30, 2024 8:09 am
    But she is. She has the power. Her status as a noble is above the student council. Even the student council president trying to suck up to her with those flower and gifts. She can prevent or even destroy them i... Annanih

    totally agree, as an MC we except better.

    teru June 30, 2024 10:33 am
    might be realistic, BUT i expect more from the MC then her acting like an average normal human/character, especially when she got prior knowledge about what is happening & who is against whom. let alone the... estar

    I can't deny that it's disappointing for MC to act like that, I feel like she's indifferent towards the extras it really adds to her character but in a negative way. I didn't particularly care about it though since I've read other manhwas with way worse/evil MCs, they can't even hold a candle to what she did.

    I agree with the last part, a lot of people are just selfish and morally corrupt so it's not often bullied people are saved. The world is a shitty place so even receiving a little support can be a HUGE help those being discriminated against.