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nobara’s wife June 29, 2024 7:58 pm

is it worth reading? does this have any SA, rape, toxic couple, incest, miscommunication?
,is the plot good or is this just sex no plot|?

    San June 29, 2024 11:38 pm


    I think its worth reading it if I remember right only on the last episode there is sex its cute and all at first the uke(i don’t remember his name sorry) didnt like the top the top was flirting and all but i don’t remember any sa or rape in my opinion the top isnt toxic but the other ppl in the mafia and all this

    (I read that in some time ago i don’t remember it perfectly i came to re read that so sorry if im wrong)

    crimsonribbon June 30, 2024 4:40 am

    this is a mafia/gangster story so healthy and nontoxic couples are the not the norm. However, this is not the most toxic couple out there but they're also not fluff. Do keep in mind the genre

    no incest and a little bit of miscommunication (more like withholding information (cant exactly remeber rn about miscommunication since its been a while since Ive reread it)

    there is no sex in the main story but there is in the side stories
    (the sex scenes are considered SA bc seme did not stop so tread carefully if you do read this)

    it's plot driven and you'll like it if you enjoy stories with the mc rejecting his gangster background only to realize that rejecting it is worse than not and all while falling in love with the most dangerous guy who works for mc's dad

    if you dont like the genre, tropes, or the way the couple is presented then you probably won't think it's worth reading

    crimsonribbon June 30, 2024 4:56 am
    this is a mafia/gangster story so healthy and nontoxic couples are the not the norm. However, this is not the most toxic couple out there but they're also not fluff. Do keep in mind the genreno incest and a lit... crimsonribbon

    wanted to specify this: the sex scenes are dubcon leaning towards SA so if that's not something you want to read then skip the side stories !

    also there is attempted SA towards the seme in the main story (ch 30 I think) and abuse towards the seme in main story (ch 27/8-30?) these scenes are from his childhood

    there's also attempted SA toward the MC/uke in the main story (ch 44)

    I think that's it