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Characters like son hak from akayona? Just, in my 10 years of reading romances I don't th...

Hopeless_shipper June 29, 2024 7:54 pm

Characters like son hak from akayona?

Just, in my 10 years of reading romances I don't think I've found someone as hot as him. Genuinely the best male lead I've ever come across.

Attractive and so so genuine despite himself. He puts her first, but he still has a personality and a life outside of her and fly and friends he cares about.

He's just so fucking compelling to me as a character and usually I love the mc more than anyone else in stories and don't get me wrong Yona is one of my favorite protagonists but hak just steals the show and o dont really know what it is about him I like so much bit I need more
