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Prim June 29, 2024 4:34 pm

BITCHHH AHEJENWJ THE FUCKIN FLASHLIGHT HAD TO STOP AT CHAPTER 10 BCS WTF. I would’ve got up and left the moment he suggested using a flashlight like dude what we mining today? The clit?

    Prim June 29, 2024 5:15 pm

    update: I finished it bcs I see things through the end. I don’t like the guy’s character, Ik he’s rich but he’s not so serious about his education. The most logical way for him to have a stable life with her would be that he graduates first before even thinking of marrying her. Again, he’s rich ik but they have a gap in society. She’s a pharmacist pushing 30 and he’s still a student. I think he should be trying hard to graduate so there would be less talk about them, yk like proving smth for your partner. The girls’ feelings totally sprung out of nowhere since they started as like fubu, and there was no room for development at all. We just got crumbs of them having to rethink their rs