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Chapter 107

LaNansha June 29, 2024 2:58 pm

Chan-il, you little weirdo, you cannot be serious. Did he not hear how panicked his girlfriend was when she answered the phone? Connecting the dot once you see the person she ran to wasn’t something he could do? Really? If I was him, I’d be so worried about her that seeing her with Cirrus after the fact, would automatically make me worry that something happened with Cirrus. Especially since I was there when he last had a nasty interaction with his father. Instead, he stays there, watching until things look worse than they are.

Anyway, I guess drama gotta drama.

I’m wondering what Cirrus’ shxt father has done now. Son of a bxtch! Hoping it’s not Candy though.

    Greenflagenjoyer June 29, 2024 3:02 pm

    I think the dog is dead.

    It would explain why he was with his Dad earlier and turned off his phone... he was already off on the phone with Skylar and it's weird for him to be with his Dad considering their relationship. I don't see why they would be together unless something happened. It would explain the crying too.

    I can't believe Chan-Il jumped to conclusion ans got jealous... Cirrus and her are childhood friend at this point? She litteraly asked in front of Chan-Il if the caller was crying and what's wrong? Pretty obvious something came up and the caller was distressed... If anything seeing it's Cirrus should make sense considering their friendship. This drama feels very fabricated just there for the sake of drama unfortunately.

    The thing with the boys, their gossip and the bullying is a lot more believable.

    LaNansha June 29, 2024 3:11 pm
    I think the dog is dead.It would explain why he was with his Dad earlier and turned off his phone... he was already off on the phone with Skylar and it's weird for him to be with his Dad considering their relat... Greenflagenjoyer

    About your third point, I don’t think it’s about fabrication, but about this way Cirrus has always felt about Chan-il. As if he can’t trust him being a good friend because deep down, Chan-il isn’t that nice, he just appears to be. Not like he’s faking it, but like he doesn’t genuinely do this naturally. Like a habit you take on and that subconsciously makes you feel superior when you look after someone who isn’t as popular or well-liked as you. I think this opens the door to why Cirrus tends to be cold to Chan-il.

    Caycay June 29, 2024 3:19 pm

    "You weirdo" and if it's Cirrus getting worked up about seeing Skylar with chan-il, it's alright to feel jealous? But let's not talk about that. Based on what i remember, when Cirrus introduced ri-in to chan-il, he didn't mention that they were close and only went to the same whatever(i forgot, my bad)

    Caycay June 29, 2024 3:21 pm
    I think the dog is dead.It would explain why he was with his Dad earlier and turned off his phone... he was already off on the phone with Skylar and it's weird for him to be with his Dad considering their relat... Greenflagenjoyer

    That's the thing, chan-il doesn't know that they're childhood friends because Cirrus mentioned that they only know eachother because they went to the same tutoring lessons?? (I don't rememberthe details, correct me if im wrong)

    LaNansha June 29, 2024 3:33 pm
    "You weirdo" and if it's Cirrus getting worked up about seeing Skylar with chan-il, it's alright to feel jealous? But let's not talk about that. Based on what i remember, when Cirrus introduced ri-in to chan-il... Caycay

    Weirdo isn’t a swear word, you can relax.

    Cirrus is aware of the fact that Skylar was once in love with Chan-il, so those two situations aren’t at all similar enough for the comparison you’re making to work. And yes, Cirrus never told Chan-il how close he was to Ri-in, but Chan-il still heard that phone call. He heard her ask the person if they were crying. He then saw her with someone he claimed to care about as a friend. AFTER that phone call, worry should’ve been at the forefront of his mind, yet jealousy is what he felt as soon as he saw them?

    I understand the jealous impulse when she touched his face and held his hand, but he stayed there, just watching, well before she did that.

    Greenflagenjoyer June 29, 2024 5:00 pm
    That's the thing, chan-il doesn't know that they're childhood friends because Cirrus mentioned that they only know eachother because they went to the same tutoring lessons?? (I don't rememberthe details, correc... Caycay

    I don't remember either if ChanIl knows they are friends anymore...

    Greenflagenjoyer June 29, 2024 5:07 pm
    About your third point, I don’t think it’s about fabrication, but about this way Cirrus has always felt about Chan-il. As if he can’t trust him being a good friend because deep down, Chan-il isn’t that ... LaNansha

    I don't know. I always felt like Chan-Il was just wholesome, good and cared for others... I don't see him being like that all so far we shall see!

    I felt like Cirrus put distance between them because of Skylar more than anything else... And also because Cirrus refuses to open up and show any vulnerability to anyone... Most of the time.

    LaNansha June 29, 2024 6:16 pm
    I don't know. I always felt like Chan-Il was just wholesome, good and cared for others... I don't see him being like that all so far we shall see!I felt like Cirrus put distance between them because of Skylar ... Greenflagenjoyer

    Oh, I don’t see him that way either. I’m going off of the way Cirrus seems to feel about him. And another reason why Cirrus put some distance between them is because Chan-il saw him at his most vulnerable when his father came to the school and got violent with him.