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Begging for some explanation

Deedee June 29, 2024 11:04 am

I'm reading the story for the second time & I realized I missed a lot of details. If someone could help me understand the following point I'll be eternally grateful lol

So, in the early chapters we learn that young Lee Nok had seen the afterworld when he got sick & almost died but was brought back to life cause his time didn't come yet. However, he started seeing and being harassed by all these ghosts because he touched something or something touched him when he was stuck in the afterword. And that should've never happened normally. Right?

My question: Do we know what was the thing that touched him/he touched and caused all the tragic events eventually? Was it Jaeshin when he saw him crying and tried to comfort him? Was it something else? I'm confused

    Ginus June 29, 2024 3:07 pm

    Yes, Jaeshin.

    Deedee June 29, 2024 3:58 pm
    Yes, Jaeshin. Ginus

    Oh wow! Does that mean Jaeshin is the reason why Lee Nok started seeing ghosts as a kid which ended up precipitating all the tragic event afterwards? Damn! I guess he didn't mean harm and he just wanted to help somehow but then again he shouldn't have interfered with Lee Nok's destiny. Maybe that's why it's now Jaeshin's fate to fix the damage! Crazy realization oO Thanks for replying