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Ceaser when I catch you-!

Hoard June 29, 2024 10:41 am

I gagged so hard I threw up, these last two chapters are so fucking foul I really just can't. But I cant say I didnt see it coming. I hoped and Im not a religious man, but I prayed that Ceaser wouldnt be this vile. But here we are.

On another note, the story telling is so immaculate at showing Ruby's in depth traumatic scars and that even when she knows her situation is fucked her mind and body just won't let her do anything but cope (throwing up, isolating herself, holding her tongue etc). I've seen some people be mad at her for being 'complacent' or not putting up a fight, but what I see is a woman fighting for her life with coping skills she learned as a child. She never got to experience healthy relationships, self healing or have a life to herself - in both past and present - so of course she cowers, she doesnt know anything else at the moment.

I can't wait to read more, just to see Ceaser die. Maybe a blood eagle would be good (▰˘◡˘▰)
