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Commentators on this site disappoint me once again

Jeiisuu June 29, 2024 8:51 am

I think many people here forget how people can often end up blaming others for going through hardships. Often turning their source of motivation to blaming them acting like that person forced them to do such. It's common irl. I'm not saying ML should be pardoned for the things he did and praise FL cuz she isn't all that ignorant especially now that she acknowledged how her peace was the result many others suffering. What I hate most about braindead comments in this site is people choose a side when humans are morally gray.

Ignorance was bliss for FL and those who don't agree with this fail to understand how much she benefitted of it as she was shielded from the real world. ML loved her and pushed himself to be able to stay by her side and ended up blaming her most likely from the torture he had to endure which isn't right but that was the only shield to keep himself sane.

    Norn June 29, 2024 6:10 pm

    Scolding people for feeling like his abuse does not excuse him turning into an abuser and driving a woman to suicide by psychologically and physically tormenting her is wild.

    Jeiisuu June 29, 2024 6:34 pm
    Scolding people for feeling like his abuse does not excuse him turning into an abuser and driving a woman to suicide by psychologically and physically tormenting her is wild. Norn

    Never said he should be pardoned. And I don't remember him physically tormenting her but it's probably just my bad memory. Comparing the two is like weighing the trauma of a long lived emotional abuse and a soldier who killed his friends just to live and return to his family. It's (arguably) useless to do so

    My only point was many of the comments didn't just blame his negligence and abuse but acted like he deserved the hell he's been through for something that he did AFTER all the torturous life he lived.

    It's like laughing at a guy who isolated himself after getting severely bullied and pushing everyone away in a destructive way.