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Uh oh

chocobuun June 29, 2024 8:45 am

Let’s hope ML is there within a few seconds cause the man still got the gun plus all his subordinates
( ̄∇ ̄")

I get the satisfaction from stabbing the dude but tbh I still would’ve played along at least a little bit more until I knew Luca was with the ML

    shitcory June 29, 2024 10:42 am

    Yeah or like, at least try to aim for more of a vital point, like his heart or throat. Getting stabbed in the stomach will still hurt like a bitch and be rough for someone already so injured, but he still has his gun and will be functional enough to use it Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) in a way I get it, she's not experienced so there's a chance he would've managed to grab the knife or dodge it had she aimed for the stomach, and she might've worried she wouldn't know the correct place to stab someone to make it reach the heart without the rincage getting in the way. Idk, at least stomach is better than nothing. Another good stab point would've been his hand/arm so he had nothing to use his gun with, but that would've also been risky. I agree with you on hoping Ruediger is nearby and come to their rescue ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Adam June 29, 2024 11:16 am
    Yeah or like, at least try to aim for more of a vital point, like his heart or throat. Getting stabbed in the stomach will still hurt like a bitch and be rough for someone already so injured, but he still has h... shitcory

    If she hit an organ it's over for him, it's literally the safest bet. If she hat gone for the chest she could've hit a rib, and if she too a large swing for his neck he could've caught on and prevented damage or she might have straight up missed with such a wide swing. With her level of strength and her height, the stomach was the bets choice

    Adam June 29, 2024 11:16 am
    If she hit an organ it's over for him, it's literally the safest bet. If she hat gone for the chest she could've hit a rib, and if she too a large swing for his neck he could've caught on and prevented damage o... Adam


    shitcory June 29, 2024 4:53 pm
    If she hit an organ it's over for him, it's literally the safest bet. If she hat gone for the chest she could've hit a rib, and if she too a large swing for his neck he could've caught on and prevented damage o... Adam

    Yeah? Did you read the comment you replied to, I'm pretty sure I already said pretty much all that? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
    Like I understand the logistics of why she stabbed him in the stomach, IT IS the safest bet to hit any organ, I was just disappointed it wasn't a place that would more surely kill the bastard quicker. The hand/arm comment was more about so he would be unable to use any weapons, but it would be difficult to hit him in a good spot with where she is standing, and ofc especially with the other people around, fatally wounding him would be better than just wounding him.

    Adam June 29, 2024 5:14 pm
    Yeah? Did you read the comment you replied to, I'm pretty sure I already said pretty much all that? Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)Like I understand the logistics of why she stabbed him in the stomach, IT IS the safest bet to... shitcory

    No, you made great points, I just mainly argued against the "stomach is better than nothing" which I didn't really agree with. I do empathise with the wish that she stabbed a more lethal area