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Senirk June 29, 2024 8:21 am

Guys, please help me. So I have a lot of friends (friend group) All of them are my bff. But, there's this one girl na I'm close to. When it comes to her. It feels different, hanging out with her feels so sweet and comfy but idk because when it comes to my other friends it feels normal like just what friends do but she makes me feel some type of way I can't describe and I also have another close friend which is my bff (guy) whos been friends with me since elem although I don't feel anything towards him. Our relationship is just like siblings but when it comes to her it's so diff. Like she makes me feel something. There was this one time(first time) she hold my hand. I felt something like..tingly.?? THERE WERE TIMES where she WOULD LITERALLY BE TOO CLOSE WHERE I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO..Idk if I like her since I'm a girl too. Although sometimes she makes me mad but when I talk to her again I feel the SAME THING WHERE IT FEELS LIKE JOY AND SHI and we rarely talk online (mostly we meet up irl)..when I talk back to her I feel shi again that I can't describe.. HELP ME do I like her?

    xuan June 29, 2024 8:53 am

    well, you definitely like her presence, that's for sure.
    How long have you been feeling that way with her? If it's just been a couple of days, weeks, or so, try being with her more to see how you're with her.
    Do you also feel jealousy? when you see her around people? Do you subconciously note down in your mind(or not) what she likes/dislikes, etc?
    It could just be a fleeting feeling because youre lonely/wanting to experience love/be in a relationship

    my bad if i misspoke in any way

    Senirk June 29, 2024 10:10 am
    well, you definitely like her presence, that's for sure. How long have you been feeling that way with her? If it's just been a couple of days, weeks, or so, try being with her more to see how you're with her. D... xuan

    We've been friends for a long time but because of pandemic we weren't able to talk and then I met her again since we're in the same school. It feels awkward then but I wanted to talk her although I wasn't able to since yk got distant (this was way back 2022) So when it was the next schoolyear again. We were arranged in a seat together. Like what I mean is side by side seat.
    Then, by then we got close again. I felt really happy. And I think I found out that I was feeling like this last year (2023). There was also this one time we had a trio me, her, and the other. So I kind of hated this other one because her personality was very very bad. Like what I mean is that she is very pressured/pressures herself into academics and she did some stuff where we promise eachother we wouldn't do it again. So I kind of hated her. But the girl that i feel things with doesn't really care. I felt a little jealous.?? Cause I didn't like her presence around her. I liked it when it was the two of us. It felt uncomfy when it was us three. I couldn't really talk much to her and her. So yeah I didn't want her close to her and there were times in the past (before pandemic) where we did stuff together and she shared it with others. I felt really hurt. I didn't like sharing that because by then we rarely did stuff with eachother. Kind of like she ghost me. ( I was young here so I didn't know)

    Senirk June 29, 2024 10:11 am
    well, you definitely like her presence, that's for sure. How long have you been feeling that way with her? If it's just been a couple of days, weeks, or so, try being with her more to see how you're with her. D... xuan

    Sorry the message is long

    Verius June 29, 2024 11:28 am
    We've been friends for a long time but because of pandemic we weren't able to talk and then I met her again since we're in the same school. It feels awkward then but I wanted to talk her although I wasn't able ... Senirk

    It’s probably just me but yeah it feels like she’s your FP (favorite person) and I think FP is used as a term mostly for ppl who have bpd or something of the sort
    Maybe I’m just looking into it too much or smth but it seems that way to me and your situation also reminded of one of my friend’s situation and it turns out my friend has bpd so idk it’s pretty hard to determine what it is but maybe you have romantic feelings for her or you just have a really great platonic relationship with her
    You can do your own research by searching up more about platonic and romantic relationships and FP in general and yeah that’s about it

    Senirk June 29, 2024 11:39 am
    It’s probably just me but yeah it feels like she’s your FP (favorite person) and I think FP is used as a term mostly for ppl who have bpd or something of the sortMaybe I’m just looking into it too much or... Verius

    Okay thank you, I think I don't have BPD but I think she's kinda like my favourite person..? At the same time if we get in a relationship or smth it feels alright to me (like it doesn't feel gross or anything) if I tell her that I like her or..she will probably reject me since she's straight. So, if I think I have feelings for her and tell her it would probably not work out.