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666titania June 29, 2024 3:44 pm

Back then there's a conflict between human & demons. Ragibach (now Cosette) plan to launch a war on human race cuz she believes that is demon's true nature. However, Erez think this is nonsense and demons are no longer like that. For Azai, he is neutral side and propose a deal to Ragibach. If the goddess won't interfere, then they will proceed with Ragibach idea but if not, she have to halt it.

Based from prev chapters, Ragibach probably still proceed the war w/o investigating first (like what Azai told her). So, she lost in the end and the demon realm suffer from Goddess punishment. Now, Ragibach want to revenge so she possessed Cosette's body cuz her family is associated with the goddess. In the past timeline, Cosette seems succeed on destroying the spirit stone and release the demons in human realm.

In short, this is not your time regression revenge story but more like a fantasy. No wonder there's no romance in the novel.
