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problematic af

boo June 28, 2024 10:21 pm

im used to seeing comics on here revolving around r*pe and i avoid them, but the plot in this was slow with no warning of how it turned out. it is literally: main character deals with chronic pain from others touching her(apparently it justifies her actions and cruelty — i deal with chronic muscle pain and fainting, it has NEVER made me resort to being such an awful person), finds out a guy (who she frequently says *horrible* things to) doesnt cause her pain when he touches her to the point that she nuts from him grabbing her wrist (ew), and becomes determined to sleep with him because of it. to the point of s*xually harassing and assaulting him, then thinking of potentially drugging and r*ping him, then using his situation where he's being cheated on and robbed by his wife for coercion into having s*x with her, while he repeatedly and understandably refuses her advances. she ignores his refusal and continues to harass him with this by telling him about her disorder, and attempting to get him to take pity on her. it's disgusting and horribly written, and knowing these two are meant to be together in the end tells me she eventually convinces him to consent (which is NOT real consent at that point). the love interest deserves better, and the main character is one of the worsts i have seen in a while.
