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wow !!!

poppy > < June 28, 2024 7:55 pm

I tried killing myself like 3 times while reading this. anyways yeah my experience w it was i fucking HATED IT in the first like 30 chapters only read it cs my friend recommended it to me and gradually i got too fucking invested and i physically could not stop myself from reading it cs i NEEEEDED to know what happened next . by the end of the story i was a sobbing mess omg i was full on bawling dude . like ok the ending was satisfactory ig , though i still think all 3 leads should’ve just stayed separated and never met again im not gonna complain about 2 of them ending up together . I am SO happy all 3 of them found happiness in the end , one way or another .

having said that, it was ABSOLUTE FUCKING TORTURE FOR ME TO READ THIS i totally understand where everyone in the comments is coming from when they tell you to SAVE YOURSELVES AND NOT READ THIS because it’ll definitely help you stay much much sane.

but like i genuinely don’t know if i regret reading this because i haven’t felt this strongly while reading a story in a WHILEE . so yeah idk i still kinda can’t think because i literally started reading this at 11-12am in the morning and rn its 3:55 pm ! I need food so bad i haven’t evenhad breakfast yet OK GOODBYE .
