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he's js a child he's js a child he's js a child

cher June 28, 2024 6:32 pm

he's js a child he's js a child he's js a child

    Fujoshi for Fluff only June 28, 2024 6:53 pm

    So many thinkpieces I have seen here on why they don't like him, thinking to punch or slap him. Like he is a kid.

    MonMon1001 June 28, 2024 9:04 pm
    So many thinkpieces I have seen here on why they don't like him, thinking to punch or slap him. Like he is a kid. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    Clearly you've never met a kid of his personality and worse. I have... many times. Let's just say, I wanted to slap them so many times but held myself back for the parents' sakes.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only June 28, 2024 9:16 pm
    Clearly you've never met a kid of his personality and worse. I have... many times. Let's just say, I wanted to slap them so many times but held myself back for the parents' sakes. MonMon1001

    Bro this is a storyyyyyy. I have met countless kids like him but never correlated to a story/ fictional kid. Be fr now

    MonMon1001 June 28, 2024 9:19 pm
    Bro this is a storyyyyyy. I have met countless kids like him but never correlated to a story/ fictional kid. Be fr now Fujoshi for Fluff only

    I am being fr. If I don't like bratty kids, I don't like bratty kids. Yes, he's a fictional character. Are we not allowed to dislike a character?

    Fujoshi for Fluff only June 28, 2024 9:22 pm
    I am being fr. If I don't like bratty kids, I don't like bratty kids. Yes, he's a fictional character. Are we not allowed to dislike a character? MonMon1001

    Disliking the characters is fine but disliking them cause you wanted to slap a kid like that irl yeah that's pretty weird.

    MonMon1001 June 28, 2024 9:27 pm
    Disliking the characters is fine but disliking them cause you wanted to slap a kid like that irl yeah that's pretty weird. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    Not really, it's pretty normal to imagining things about wanting to do things to a character since they are fictional in the first place since we won't do it in real life. Have you never seen people making art, comics or gifs of either themselves or another character slapping other characters of what they said or do out of annoyance? I would say comments about it is normal in this kind of community.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only June 28, 2024 9:33 pm
    Not really, it's pretty normal to imagining things about wanting to do things to a character since they are fictional in the first place since we won't do it in real life. Have you never seen people making art,... MonMon1001

    So you don't just not like the characters but venting on the them cause you're annoyed with kids irl and have no way to vent it on them directly?

    MonMon1001 June 28, 2024 9:42 pm

    I never said that. If I see a bratty kid, no matter in irl or fiction, I would want to slap them when they are being a little shit. But of course, we are not allowed to do it irl because it would do real harm, but in fiction and imagination, it there is no harm, so why are people not allowed to imagine it? It's like when I see an asshole going around harassing people, I would want to stop them, but I can't if it's irl life because I'm not physically nor confidently capable of doing so, but if it's a fictional asshole, people would imagine themselves punching him or at least stopping them.

    MonMon1001 June 28, 2024 9:45 pm
    So you don't just not like the characters but venting on the them cause you're annoyed with kids irl and have no way to vent it on them directly? Fujoshi for Fluff only

    reply to you is above

    Fujoshi for Fluff only June 29, 2024 4:32 am
    I never said that. If I see a bratty kid, no matter in irl or fiction, I would want to slap them when they are being a little shit. But of course, we are not allowed to do it irl because it would do real harm, ... MonMon1001

    It's not okay to imagine to hit a 10/12 y/o kid. You can calmly explain it to them. If they're teenagers it's understandable. The character is a Kid, a 10 y/o. Clearly he hasn't mended his ways. Either in fiction or reality it's definitely not wise.

    MonMon1001 June 29, 2024 5:23 am
    It's not okay to imagine to hit a 10/12 y/o kid. You can calmly explain it to them. If they're teenagers it's understandable. The character is a Kid, a 10 y/o. Clearly he hasn't mended his ways. Either in ficti... Fujoshi for Fluff only

    Bruh, it's just a fictional character. Of course I'm not okay about slapping a real kid, but you can't stop people from thinking about it sometimes when they get annoyed. People imagine things all the time, but we don't act on it because we know the consequence. For fictional character, they aren't gonna care if you want to slap them or not. Trying to enforce some morality on fictional characters is weird. They aren't real. They are just someone's fictional story and imagination.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only June 29, 2024 5:26 am
    Bruh, it's just a fictional character. Of course I'm not okay about slapping a real kid, but you can't stop people from thinking about it sometimes when they get annoyed. People imagine things all the time, but... MonMon1001

    I wasn't talking about fictional character. I am talking about you imagining slapping a 10y/o old. You gotta understand their brain is still not fully developed. It's not wise.

    MonMon1001 June 29, 2024 5:38 am
    I wasn't talking about fictional character. I am talking about you imagining slapping a 10y/o old. You gotta understand their brain is still not fully developed. It's not wise. Fujoshi for Fluff only

    I quite disagree. If we're talking about taking real life action, then yes it's unwise. But imagining doing something but not following up on that in real life because you know it's bad and knowing the consequence is wisdom of its own. You CAN'T stop people from imagining doing bad things in real life, but you CAN stop them from doing the actions in itself. If someone wants to smack a person, but didn't go through with it. I'm not gonna call the Thought police to arrest them. It's just someone's imagination to get some relief for themselves. I'd take violence inside people's head rather in real life any day.

    Fujoshi for Fluff only June 29, 2024 8:28 am
    I quite disagree. If we're talking about taking real life action, then yes it's unwise. But imagining doing something but not following up on that in real life because you know it's bad and knowing the conseque... MonMon1001

    Idk. It's not weird but not okay either. Not a question about moral or.immoral. I'm talking about myself. I also get angry on kids but never really thought of harming them in imagination. Ig it's fine if it's just in thought but sometimes we go out of our imagination unconsciously. Hope you take care of that

    MonMon1001 June 30, 2024 12:03 am
    Idk. It's not weird but not okay either. Not a question about moral or.immoral. I'm talking about myself. I also get angry on kids but never really thought of harming them in imagination. Ig it's fine if it's j... Fujoshi for Fluff only

    It does happen to people who can't reel in their emotions well like children or people with mental and emotional instability. Bad thoughts comes from negative emotions, which is something that naturally happens, but it's our choice and our rationality that decides whether we act on those emotions or not. At least most people are smart enough to not act on emotions.