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Yo my friends are like hachi, what the fuck can i do to stop them from turning out like he...

Hopeless_shipper June 28, 2024 5:28 pm

Yo my friends are like hachi, what the fuck can i do to stop them from turning out like her

It's honestly annoying as shit and hachi is a character I can't stand but I love my friends and seeing parallels just scares me.

Wish I could beat it out of them, but since I can't, how do I lovingly get male attention obsessed girls who fall in love at the drop of a hat to focus on themselves and what's best for them and to stop making sacrifices for no reason, ESPECIALLY for a cheating bastard that I just KNOW will do it over and over again.

Like look I get it Juno had her faults BUT I have to admire her for sticking it out. I wish I could (gently) shake them and yell at them to grow a spine already!!! And their boyfriend's are never as pretty as hachi's, too. They're no takumi so what the fuck are they staying for

Anyways yeah most of Nana's target audience/fans have been in abusive relationships(wiki: I pulled it out of my own ass but I don't know a single nana fan that hasn't been involved some way or another in one) so I'm here to seek counselling as a worried friend who does want to help, but also knows themselves and I'm afraid I'll stop caring cause ik I can't do this forever and sometimes I slip into the "they were basically asking for it" which
