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Yeonjo just going in circles at this point.

BTSFangirl25 June 28, 2024 4:04 pm

He knows his boo wants him dead but would rather just take out the pawns, dude just actually can’t face it. The thing is…. yeonjo’s best revenge is to off himself, otherwise our charming nemesis will never actually take any accountability for his past action. He’ll just keep killing the pawns and it’ll maybe break down Yeonjo but at this point, can you truly be happy with yourself? You killed his family, he basically he had no choice but to be with you or be put through the ringer by other perverts, nothing he truly has is what he wants by his heart. The heart can continued to be tricked but the reality will always be there.
I like the realism the story has, but ppl forget the not so nice beginnings. His sweet demeanor now doesn’t trick me into forgetting he’s still a weird person job or not.
Lol sorry I had to read him for filth cause he’s so smart, fine, and goal oriented. Both are, which is why they’re perfect for each other but the history I will not be swayed, Yeonjo gotta off himself at this point.
