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I really waited for it to get better like a good patient little reader but...

Mang-GAGO June 28, 2024 5:21 am

it never did. It never ever did! Every chapter was ONE headache after another, an unanswered prayer for the plot to suddenly be INTERESTING or FUN! All I got was domestic abuse. This is what I get for trying to be open-minded? The only thing I enjoyed was Minjae (who appeared for like 5 panels). Don't get me wrong, I LOVE overly dramatic, soap opera-esque, borderline cringe plots of C-tier manhwas but this... is sadly none of that. I firmly believe that something objectively BAD can still be enjoyable. This was just bad BAD. (AND SAD! lmao)

I'm just saying, if a character is gonna date a severely homophobic, property-destroying, serial physical assaulter who's only nice to them for 5 minutes every 48 hours (AND NEVER CHANGES)... then maybe this should have been tagged as "Tragedy" lmao. (≧∀≦)

TLDR: Turn around. Dont read. I tried giving it a chance because I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt. I was wrong. I didn't grow, just like that stupid man child bear shit-stain Jeong Sahyeong or whatever.
