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papermom June 28, 2024 3:02 am

Do they forget tht being gay in this world will land them in jail or whu....cuz i be seeing alot of PDA

    Elaphae June 28, 2024 4:14 am

    When you think about it it's pretty stupid... "That man is gay? Put him in prison with all the other gay inmates."
    In real life, it's more "stone him to death" or "put him in rehabilitation" which is a little bit more violent u.u

    egojn June 28, 2024 11:01 am
    When you think about it it's pretty stupid... "That man is gay? Put him in prison with all the other gay inmates." In real life, it's more "stone him to death" or "put him in rehabilitation" which is a little b... Elaphae

    Um I think we actually got it both ways :)

    Disi June 28, 2024 1:20 pm

    It seems like it would be the same as just pulling out a bunch of drugs in public and waving them around. I continue to question the policeman and why he is so bloody obvious about being in love. They have zero self preservation instinct. He even saw that the red head was following them didn't he?

    Elaphae June 28, 2024 11:39 pm
    Um I think we actually got it both ways :) egojn

    Well, let's just say: Prison can you let go out without being a complete wreck or dead. The other two.. Well, I'm not going to comment on being stoned to death cause it's pretty explanatory but conversion camp? Bro that's straight up torture and they won't even care for human rights. I can assure you, I would prefer to be send in prison than in that. Bluntly said, in prison, there's higher chances of survival.