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All the talk about art is reminding me of my art hw (we have to do realistic smooth shadin...

İmmortal monkey June 28, 2024 12:23 am

All the talk about art is reminding me of my art hw (we have to do realistic smooth shading A3 drawing over the holiday) and it may seem fun to use ur art knowledge in front of others but acquiring that knowledge is such a long and tedious process that those who apply for art in high school are recommended by the art teacher and grade head to not take it if you aren't determined and the reason I'm saying all this is so that people can appreciate the amount of time and effort that goes into any art whether it's classical art Manga or anything else in live

    helvetica June 28, 2024 3:22 am

    Adding this if anybody is interested in studying art.

    As an art student in college, I realize I should not be an art student. If I have to go through critique and talk about why this particular line is symbolic of so and so and how the contrasting colors represents the artist’s whatever, I’m going to cry. So if anybody wants to pursue art, just know that you’re not gonna have fun if you don’t look into every detail like this.

    It honestly feels so snobbish and pompous when talking about some artwork, when I really don’t feel anything from it, but make stuff up and people go “awww yeahhhh I didn’t notice that before” and same thing happens to my art and I’m just thinking “I did not put that much thought into this but sure”

    Of course, this is just my opinion on formal fine arts stuff. I personally prefer the art I see online rather than the stuff I have to study(especially the abstract stuff. I really dislike abstract artwork)

    (I’m the type that just likes drawing and seeing aesthetically pleasing things but if I make too much of that, my art teacher calls me out on it and basically calls me superficial and implies I’m part of the problem, but I know that SO WHAT. LET ME DRAW PRETTY PEOPLE PLEASE. So I gotta do a long winded explanation about how my drawing is about societal expectations and beauty norms so they’ll let me draw pretty people without shaming me for it ;;

    helvetica June 28, 2024 3:23 am
    Adding this if anybody is interested in studying art.As an art student in college, I realize I should not be an art student. If I have to go through critique and talk about why this particular line is symbolic ... helvetica

    Also, I’m not even trying to enter the fine art world. I want to be a storyboard artist SO PLEASE LET ME DRAW PRETTY STUFF ;;

    İmmortal monkey June 28, 2024 3:59 am
    Adding this if anybody is interested in studying art.As an art student in college, I realize I should not be an art student. If I have to go through critique and talk about why this particular line is symbolic ... helvetica

    I do both art and design and I really really like drawing and painting but I hate the history and theory part of it the only nice part about art and design is that the classical period is really interesting and easy to learn about and every time I read a manga/manhua/manhwa or anime and see a temple in my head in like Doric/Ionic/Corinthian in my head and it's really fun learning about mythology while studying for an exam the only part that I really hate is the theory and how teachers questions every little detail or your artwork and all those paragraph that needed to be written explaining why you did what is really hard so sometimes I question why I even took art and design since my parents are also not too happy about the amount of time and effort I put into it when I could be doing maths or physics this is something that nobody but art student can understand how much time we sacrifice for our art to be questioned and worths determine by others

    luvhoodie June 28, 2024 4:42 am

    as a current student taking art, this whole thread hits so close to home. i absolutely *hate* critique but like, art critique is literally the one thing we focus on in my first semester TT and then i realized just how draining it is to draw when it's an assignment or homework or whatever - basically things i *need* to draw, rather than things i *want* to draw. ive started drawing - not even doodling - even less then i had ever did before taking art as a subject TT

    for u ppl who are considering taking art as a subject just because yall have drawing as a hobby, dont take art if yall aint patient. if ur so easily demotivated or have a massive case of comparing urself to others and think u'll never be good enough, dont take art. just study it at ur own pace, on ur own accord. forcing urself to push through will only cause u to experience heavy burnout TT

    but if ur confident, then do it. as much as i hate my first semester, i do learn lots of stuff, so yeah. if ur in it for the 'art student experience', then sure why not lmao. just know what ur getting urself into.

    İmmortal monkey June 28, 2024 6:09 am
    as a current student taking art, this whole thread hits so close to home. i absolutely *hate* critique but like, art critique is literally the one thing we focus on in my first semester TT and then i realized j... luvhoodie

    I'm currently at the almost burnout stage but I'm holding on since it feels so incredibly good when you make an artwork so we'll that even you are shocked and think to yourself : I made this!