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this chapter had me on a

Fey June 27, 2024 10:00 pm

what gets me is that after punching him almost to death after that high rage... was the way euihyun stopped masking the moment he was alone maaan that shit broke me the tears the shaking doubt and his anxiety my boy doesn't deserve any of this :( he was awake the whole night in that state and even though he is feeling that way after he smelled taeju's pheromones he couldn't help but feel hopeful hahh there'll be a lot of regrets and pain coming next chapter I don't think euihyun will talk to taeju at all

    inori June 28, 2024 3:14 am

    The fight or flight instinct. Been in the same sitch when I was being groped in the train, the instinct to fight the groper just kicked in and before I knew it I was shoving him. Made a scene and everything. When he alighted the train all that energy just really dropped and I was left shaking in my seat. The combination of the rage I felt from my groper + the knowledge that I GOT groped + all my thoughts that I might've done something wrong to be groped like that even when ik that I'm not to blame, left me so drained.

    I was shaking so hard when I got off my stop. It was a wonder I was able to get home that night.

    tldr: fight/flight instinct, he fought and won but was shaken by what almost happened to him if he didn't fight

    Fey June 30, 2024 2:17 am

    I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

    But yes exactly that's what it is.