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HRAensn June 27, 2024 3:18 pm

I will never feel sad for Jeolho cause he kinda did this to himself. He never confessed his feelings, nor did he do anything to help Nanmu and just took advantage of his weak moments, and even hung up on purpose when the person Nanmu was looking for called.

Jeolho also never made Nanmu satisfied during sex and it was Pilgyun/ML who made Nanmu feel satisfied/cum or something but he made Nanmu feel good during sex, not pain. Jeolho only did it after Nanmu told him.

So Pilgyun for the win, Jeolho never had a chance for being 2nd ML. If anything, it would be his looks that put him in the spot for 2nd ML, that’s all.

And I thought Jeolho would get a side story. I’m not satisfied with the ending because I didn’t get to see his happy ending.
