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AkabaRitsu June 27, 2024 3:14 pm

Omg you guys should stop. I'm literally shocked by how people think on this topics. First of all, Tf you guys saying incest, INCEST is a SEXUAL RELATION BETWEEN BLOOD RELATIVES OR CLOSE RELATIVES. They weren't even related!! Did you even read the whole thing??? ONLY CULTURE AND TRADITION EXTENDS IT TILL ADAPTION.

Some even says, "He even called him mama so it doesn't feel right", ITS OKAY FOR IT NOT TO FEEL RIGHT FOR YOU BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD SPOIL THE FUN/APPRECIATION OF OTHERS TOWARDS THIS MANHUA, JUST BECAUSE YOU FAILED TO COMPREHEND THE REAL INTENTION OF THE STORY. Some things are meant to happen and you guys being against it are just a PROOF THAT YOU'RE CREATING YOUR OWN FANTASY. It feels wrong for you cause YOU'RE definitely NOT one of the target readers. So if you feel uncomfy, go leave.

Lastly, Don't go around saying, " You guys must've support incest and pedophilia", whether you said it here but surely on your minds. Bruh, YOU GUYS ARE LITERALLY READING ON A SITE FULL OF SHITS THAT IS DEFINITELY WORST THAN INCEST AND PEDOPHILIA Where tf did your HYPOCRISY COME FROM?? Before questioning how rotten we are for loving this, WELL, damn question yourself in front of the mirror first!!

And if someone even says this is grooming, fck your minds bruh don't go on that line we don't even planning on crossing. Papa wolf never intended to raise him as his lover so shut the fuck up. It's potato who learned about his feelings, it won't be our fault, blame the author.

Again, We don't support pedophilia or grooming or watever dafaq it is.

This will be the last, I can't take how hypocrite you guys were. So shocking but I'm not surprised. "ALL OPINIONS WERE VALID ANYWAYS RIGHT?" LOL ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
