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The whiplash is the issue

Consenting Seme June 27, 2024 1:08 pm

I don't understand why people are surprised her inventions look modern? It's literally the story of a modern 21st century girl that reincarnated in a medieval setting and who wants to utilise modernity to enrich herself! Of course she's gonna imitate modern franchise that proved themselves successful. That's how business works! Why would she bother finding products that would suit the Aesthetic of this universe when she can just copy a system that work. I don't think the looks of the invention is what bothers y'all, it's the whiplash of seeing modern invention in a traditional setting. It's not actually an issue, regarding storytelling, but more a matter of personal preference.

Don't get me wrong I DO have issues with the way she invents things as some of them don't make sense or are just lazy writing like where did girly girl get ice in the middle of a summery season in a world where freezer don't exist? Also how did even blend ice?

It would have been more interesting see her befriend reluctant Ice Mages then getting them to collaborate with her instead of having one Super Mega talented Magician(her assistant) do everything. That's lazy writing, show us some progression. And they could have introduced interesting characters and a funny arc.

    Kaizenix June 27, 2024 1:34 pm


    Cloud22222 June 27, 2024 6:53 pm

    I love you. Please enrich us with your opinions more in the future.

    Samudra June 28, 2024 9:52 am
    I love you. Please enrich us with your opinions more in the future. Cloud22222

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