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thoughts and feelings part 1

icecoffee1111 June 27, 2024 2:20 am

1. im i little confused and just have so many questions they better be all answered quickly when this is over <3
2. The uncle is annoying me like the mc didnt do anything your nephew made the wish, cut the thread, ANd then tied it to himself !!!!!
3. the ml is crazy but it does seem like he kind of regrets it, like you cant blame the child for making a wish to be like a super star you love and admire like he had no clue that would happen
4. BUT that does not change the fact that he let it get this bad for the mc and then let him believe it was his fault
5. Is the blond guy the ml
6. Hate to say it but ml also at fault for still using the ghost like buddy as a child you get a pass bc the ghost were getting you money and let you live a better life, Now they are attacking you so you should stop using them. Like if you want raw emotions just dig up so memories bc your life seems depressing enough
