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I was flabbergasted by the 4p sex but okay..

Nelcy June 26, 2024 8:57 pm

Y'all..i binged this in half a day and idk what should i make up of this... seriously...why did you run away owen?! You're not the poor fl who had a one night stand with a rich chaebol istg
And his pregnancy symptoms were like those of earth. Can't eat semen(disgusting stuff), feeling sleepy, more sensitive to their surroundings, clingy to their partner..aish
Baby noi is cute

    Kamiyadori June 27, 2024 12:34 pm

    Lmaoo I binged it in a day too. But, I think why Owen ran away is cuz when the scarf Owen asked Nux about if he wanted kids or not, Nux said no pretty vehemently. He thought to himself about his siblings and cousins he had to help care for, but didn't mention this to the Owens.

    And I mean, Nux really doesn't seem like he understands pregnancy for earthling women either lol. He's kinda dense.

    And yes, baby Noi is so cute!