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So if you want some upcoming spoilers

Farscapewho747 June 26, 2024 8:47 pm

Yeah that asshole Taeheeof course shows up and actually thinks that since Gyuwon lost the weight he has earned the oh so privelage of getting fucked by him. He even says “I came here to fuck your ass” arrogant pos. Because their parents know each other he weasels his way into staying at Gyuwon’s place and refuses to leave and Gyuwon telling him to stop being inappropriate, so Gyuwon packs up some things and hightails it out of there to go stay with Geon. As for Geon yeah he gets jealous, who wouldn’t, but it also really makes him realize his feelings and he does trust Gyuwon,but he also decides to fight for his man. So this isn’t a triangle because Gyuwon really only likes Geon now.
