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OMG!!!! Sorry for yapping!!!

偉大な王 June 26, 2024 7:58 pm

so after the intense sex Mathew tried to inject Jin with something in his sleep but Jin wakes up and pulls him by his hair in confusion. He was out for 4 days, said Mathew. But Jin objected, thinking Mathew kept injecting him everytime he came back to his senses. Now reading the Korean comments which were translated, one said that the injection was giving to Mathew by his teacher and its used for an after drug effect.
Jin was still pulling onto Mathew's head and he said something like, "everytime I come here I fall asleep like I'm fainting. Was that your doing too?" And Mathew's still confused? Then Jin gets a bunch of flashbacks as he thinks "I was completely mistaken. You would never betray me" and he thinks how the kid (mathew) he knew is no longer here.
Jin: how dare you control me?
Mathew: you came to visit me. I was trying to protect you in my own way..........I don't care what happens to me.
And now flashbacks are happening, Mathew keeps irritating Jin. He says that since jin is part of the mafia, he does drugs while telling Mathew not to do drugs. So then Mathew doesn't shut the FUCK UP!!! And keeps saying shit as he's smiling, ( he says something like how are you any different from the director of the orphanage that you murdered? ) and because Jin is still not fully healed he starts questioning thins like how could this happen from the person he trusted the most? And he gets ontop of Mathew and starts punching him as he tells him things, "your eyes pretends to be innocent. It makes me feel like im pinned to the ground". He keeps punching him in the face until his face gets injured and when he gets up and leaves to his car. Mathew screams, "wait!!! For a moment!!" He goes to Jin and hugs his legs begging him not to go and says "are you a person who doesn't care if you get hurt or die? Why are you doing so much for this?" And Jin kicks him in the stomach and says, "for what?" Then he remembers when young Mathew I'm the orphanage said, "don't leave me...." then he turns to old Mathew and says, "that stuff doesn't matter anymore."


    sam June 27, 2024 8:42 am that what really happened? Now I kind of regret defending Matthew...