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translator etiquette

Bike June 26, 2024 5:08 pm

I'll make sure to continue reading bingsoo cat cafe translations. Comparing the MTL to theirs, there's definitely a noticeable difference---a certain "oomph" that they give to each scene which isn't present within the rushed MTL's. I treasure any translation teams that are able to dedicate their time and effort into providing quality translations for the rest of us readers over here.

Having read the notes for the latest chapter, I hope the team isn't too discouraged. I know that I will continue supporting you guys, no matter what!

    Bike June 26, 2024 5:13 pm

    Also, isn't there unspoken etiquette when it comes to translation---specifically, that you shouldn't snipe a work when another team's translating it?

    I hope whoever is doing the other TL's aren't trying to upload here on purpose...

    ania June 26, 2024 5:18 pm
    Also, isn't there unspoken etiquette when it comes to translation---specifically, that you shouldn't snipe a work when another team's translating it? I hope whoever is doing the other TL's aren't trying to uplo... Bike

    i bet it's mngg bot uploading the chapters, so.. unless cats put placeholders, it's gonna keep happening unfortunately