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Call Me by Your Name June 26, 2024 1:54 pm

Won't read for MTL like translation. Why would I, when I can just find the raws and translate it by machine?
My curiosity is dying to know the next chap, but what's the point if the translation decreased the enjoyment of it. You can enjoy MTL, but I'll stay and be grateful to fans translator who put their noble effort for quality.

    tiredrandom June 26, 2024 2:07 pm

    Everyone can check the raw and use MTL by themselves nowadays, i don't think it's bad, if they are curious to get a small gist of the story but posting with MTL for other people to read?
    That will make really bad translation influence the understanding of story for the readers. That's a no no.
    MTL will never top a good translation done by someone who understands the language and all the nuances !
    I really wish those bots stopped uploading, there already is a group translating with good quality.