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Dohyeok's happy ending

angeltyun__ June 26, 2024 1:27 pm

Honestly, I think it's the only well deserved ending we could ever get in his story with siwoo. Just like siwoo said, if he doesnt change his personality, everyone will leave him, meaning to say, for him to get his well deserved happy ending we all want for him, he HAS to change and currently, he doesnt derserve it YET. He needs to work hard for it. Change his attitude towards the people around him, his shitass personality, grovel and beg for jiwoon and suha's forgiveness, and lower his goddamn pride for siwoo. Siwoo's too good for him so I hope we get to see another side story of them after timeskip. No matter how bad he was and how angry we got at him for being such an asshole and a scum of the earth, he already got his karma anyway, might as well make him happy at the end. And oh yeah, I guess it's also an excuse to see Siwoo again bc that mofo is pretty as fuck, I keep melting everytime I see his frame. God heavens, I wanna wife him up so bad.
