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Lmaooo wish mei would act as a wingman and try to make guestella and kaiden closer every t...

What the— June 26, 2024 10:11 am

Lmaooo wish mei would act as a wingman and try to make guestella and kaiden closer every time there’s an opportunity bc that would be funny i mean they’d prolly still keep having misunderstandings but it’s so fun to watch

Also, i miss jiwoo’s friends, where are they fr

    KitaJo June 26, 2024 11:08 am

    Remember they will be MIA for a while as they are all training to get stronger, but as they aren’t the main characters we won’t get to see their trainings. Maybe flashbacks when they finally return. But that could be a year or more in our timeline, cause in the WEBTOON timeline it’s only been a little over a year since Jiwoo met Kayden, whereas for us it’s been 4 for us