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Bingsoo cafe translations are TOP TIER. I dare say the highest quality scanlations I’ve ...

June 26, 2024 7:39 am

Bingsoo cafe translations are TOP TIER. I dare say the highest quality scanlations I’ve ever seen. The English translations are so well done. They stay true to the Korean original flawlessly while also having amazing clarity in English without losing any charm of the original. The cleaning?? Perfection. The quality is just so good. I wish all comics were so lucky to have such top tier scanlations.

Thank you to the entire team for the hard work you put in. This manhwa is not easy yet you all do a phenomenal job. You have my utter respect. I’m broke now but if I could, I would love to tip the team. As well as the author of course. :) to whom we all appreciate as well. Hehe.
