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Idk if it's just me but this shit lowkey confusing as hell

Calypso June 26, 2024 7:12 am

What exactly is MJ's connection to "Father" if we know ofc.
Is "father" a previous patient or not (got confused there) & do we know why he is obsessed with MC or like the connection.
Why is MJ obsessed with MC & how does he know him (maybe through father or idk maybe they said something)
Does the hunt end when MC dies? That's the impression I've been getting but wtf even is the point of the hunt if "Father" wants to capture his ahh seemingly alive?
Genuiley wtf is this organization as a whole LMAO like is this some sociopathic meet up where their needs to kill can be fulfilled? Is this a cult? Is it a mafia? Like...

& side note but - What causes MJ to go all sexual for this man when he gets triggered? I never really understood wtf that was about - I get that being raised with trauma does damages but like (ofc there's exceptions) I don't really think like "omg I'm mad so lemme fuck ur ass" is a sentiment of what appears to be a psychopath since he doesn't seem interested in fucking other ppl's asses when he's mad - just MC (like bro has this "primal" rage going on like what the actual fuccck)
