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I really thought this was shounin ai and I don't usually read shounin ai because heheheh I...

Mayonaise_Chicken June 26, 2024 4:44 am

I really thought this was shounin ai and I don't usually read shounin ai because heheheh I like it nastehhhhh and the only reason why I read this again was because I read THISSS soon long ago and I was shook when they did it heheh lol! Well miracles happen once in a while also that friend... I need him in my life! And the girl best friend she cool too. I like how chill everything is and it's not in your face. It honestly feels like a sitcom? I don't know the right words lol but I like it it's giving nostalgic. Lol the author writing that it's her first time drawing the smegsy scenes made me laugh my ass off. I am glad I witnessed and saw you taking your drawing smegsy scenes virginity
