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Lmao I used to be like him and wonder why all the kids at school couldn't act right, why d...

Usotsuki June 26, 2024 4:01 am

Lmao I used to be like him and wonder why all the kids at school couldn't act right, why did they react to things that could be ignored? Why did they act emotionally and irrationally?

Then I realized I was the weird one and it was because of the neglect and trauma of my childhood haha.

Oh dear, sweet, baby boi, not reacting to anything is a form of trauma responseeee~

    Celestia ludenberg June 27, 2024 3:49 am

    Yeah. I don't really blame him. He doesn't have time to be compassionate and understand her problems then. Now that she changed dramatically, he is a little worried

    Not everyone have the mental capacity to be compassionate. That's just like in real life.