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For the people complaining that FL is a fool

Lily June 26, 2024 2:12 am

The people calling her a fool or dumb seem to really lack critical thinking , she may have lived for multiple lives but she never became an adult in them , she always died as a CHILD , maturity here doesn't work like this , she has always been a child , A TORTURED ONE at that so she never experienced being a full fledged adult , she was just a little kid reapedetly dying without ever knowing what it means to mature or grow up , so she will of course still have a child mindset + she couldn't experience childhood , and that adds up to why she acts childishly sometimes , even ADULTS who meet problems at their childhood act like kids at times , so why are you guys mad at a KID acting like ONE

    Ugly_Rose June 26, 2024 3:10 pm

    i agree, plus its not like it was an adult who woke up in a child's body lol, read so many where they do and act like a child which is weird