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Honest review for new readers

Koala June 26, 2024 1:00 am

Only small spoilers but still read with caution.
Okay so! There's a happy ending for Hilise and Axion. But I will say it did drag. It drag ooooon. Even with Hilise destroying her own home and pretty much giving in to her on self loathing/guilt the story just didn't pick up as it should have. Hilise didn't get smarter and morw complex. She just killed whoever was in her way and kept it moving. It just got more complex in a boring way. It started off so good. I made it to chap 58 and then skipped to 122. I did that cause Hilise turned on Axion in a way that I just didn't get. Blah blah guilt or something. Axion also started off great and just fell off once he regained some of his memory. He basically became a stand in just to follow her around. All and all I say read to about chapter 57 and the skip to 123 and you've basically missed nothing important. I liked it enough tho! Hmm I give it 7.8/10
