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lol the comment below mine is fucking azz anyways, did the author hinted about what happe...

Popo June 25, 2024 9:47 pm

lol the comment below mine is fucking azz

anyways, did the author hinted about what happened to jk in the past? or did i miss something like author's note or tweet or... i just know if he did not become MMA fighter he'll be a murderer LMAOOO that's so funny i realized BJ alex, alex's trauma was because his first love played him or something like that. i can't wrap my head about what happened to jk. he's just basically a bully who can't process his emotions, no empathy and can't communicate properly. i just can't like him im thinking of worst that could happen to his childhood but that won't justify what he's doing to kim dan and hell even to his teammates.

what are your expected redemption arc?

what do you guys think? let's have a proper conversation pls HAHAH JK-defenders dont come at me

    Sasasasafras June 26, 2024 8:05 am

    I’ll shoot.
    The shoulder gets worse, so Jaekyung tries rehire Dan, but gets rejected. Dan inadvertently ends up working for Jaekyung’s rival, and the rival wins. Jaekyung gets hospitalized and trauma dumps. Dan starts working for Jaekyung again. Dan gets kidnapped or something. Rival gets arrested after the next match. Idk
    Honestly, I just want to see Jaekyung grovel, so I can die happy.